Profit & Loss Controls | |
Sales / Turnover: Please provide the total sales / turnover for the past 12 months | |
Cost of Sales: Please provide the total cost of sales for the past 12 months | |
Total Expenses: Please provide the total expenses for the past 12 months | |
EBITDA (Calculated) | |
Balance Sheet Controls | |
Accounts Receivable: Please provide the amount for accounts receivable | |
OR | |
Debtor Days: If you know your debtor days please insert them here | |
Accounts Payable: Please provide the amount for accounts payable | |
OR | |
Creditor Days: If you know your creditor days please insert them here | |
Stock / Inventory: Please provide the current amount of stock being held | |
OR | |
Stock Days: If you know your stock days please insert them here | |
Cash Flow Statement | |
Cash: Please provide the cash balance in your account |
Profit & Loss Controls | |||
% Change | Projected 12 Months | % of Sales | |
Income | |||
Sales | |||
Cost of Sales (COS) | |||
Gross Profit | |||
Operating Expenses | |||
Total Expenses | |||
Profit (EBITDA) | |||
Balance Sheet Controls | |||
Value | Projected 12 Months | Past | |
Key Indicators | |||
Debtor Days | |||
Creditor Days | |||
Stock Days | |||
Cash Flow Statement | |||
Cash in the bank at the end of the financial year | |||
Simulation Results | |||
Past 12 Months | Projected 12 Months | Difference | |
Sales | |||
Profit (EBITDA) | |||
Operating Cash Flow |