Profit & Loss Controls
Sales / Turnover: Please provide the total sales / turnover for the past 12 months
Cost of Sales: Please provide the total cost of sales for the past 12 months
Total Expenses: Please provide the total expenses for the past 12 months
EBITDA (Calculated)
Balance Sheet Controls
Accounts Receivable: Please provide the amount for accounts receivable
Debtor Days: If you know your debtor days please insert them here
Accounts Payable: Please provide the amount for accounts payable
Creditor Days: If you know your creditor days please insert them here
Stock / Inventory: Please provide the current amount of stock being held
Stock Days: If you know your stock days please insert them here
Cash Flow Statement
Cash: Please provide the cash balance in your account
Profit & Loss Controls
% Change Projected 12 Months % of Sales
Cost of Sales (COS)
Gross Profit
Operating Expenses
Total Expenses
Profit (EBITDA)
Balance Sheet Controls
Value Projected 12 Months Past
Key Indicators
Debtor Days
Creditor Days
Stock Days
Cash Flow Statement
Cash in the bank at the end of the financial year
Simulation Results
Past 12 Months Projected 12 Months Difference
Profit (EBITDA)
Operating Cash Flow
Hidden Calculations
KPI Changes to DD/CD/SD/Sales/COS/Expenses
Previous Days Projected Days Difference
Debtor Days
Creditor Days
Stock Days
Changes to Income
Previous % Projected % Difference
Changes to Expenses
Previous % Projected % Difference
Total Expenses
Changes to EBITDA
Previous % Projected % Difference
Profit (EBITDA)
KPI Changes to DD/CD/SD
Previous Days Projected Days Difference
Debtor Days
Creditor Days
Stock Days
KPI Changes to DD/CD/SD
Previous Days Projected Days Difference
Debtor Days
Creditor Days
Stock Days